10 Shortcuts
David Daily edited this page 2020-04-10 10:24:10 -05:00


Alt+Shift+\ to open a settings window to easily change your settings

Determined by the values in Settings.ini:

Shortcut What it expands to
]me or [me your RACF
@me your email

Alt+Shift+S will open the Solution / Manual opener

Alt+Shift+\ to open a settings window to easily change your settings

\case will type out the current timestamp, and fields for Name, Username, Email, and two extra lines to space it off from the documentation. I use this for customer calls. (|case if you have German enabled for a german version)

Win+v will wait 750 milliseconds and write out what is on your clipboard. This is useful for places that disable pasting for some reason.

Win+j will open your downloads folder

]shortcut is the syntax

[{shortcut} for German: German completions only work if enabled in the settings, open settings with Alt+Shift+\

German special characters

Key Combo Result
Alt+a ä
Alt+Shift+a Ä
Alt+o ö
Alt+Shift+o Ö
Alt+u ü
Alt+Shift+u Ü
Alt+s ß

Email specific

Shortcut What it expands to
email Email templateish thing
97010 Email about DTAC problem
2yc 2 Year old COMAR
cms Similar to email, except it includes a signature

Case things

Shortcut What it expands to
rec This will type the default case update disclaimer
esc1 Escalation message stage 1
esc2 Escalation message stage 2
req1 Requesting info stage 1
req2 Requesting info stage 2
req3 Requesting info stage 3
ncca NCCA/Defect
dtac DTAC Problem

Product Names

Shortcut What it expands to German version
at AutoTrac
bin Virtual Inventory Virtuellen Bestand
deg °
gsc GreenStar
gp GSC-Prepared
hl3 HarvestLab 3000
hlo Original HarvestLab Originales HarvestLab
jddm John Deere Data Manager
jdla JDLink Access
jdlc JDLink Connect
jdld JDLink Dashboard
jdll JDLink
jdls JDLink Subscription JDLink Abonnement
jdlw JDLink Web
jdp JDParts
jdsm John Deere Software Manager
macrep Machine Reports
mjd MyJohnDeere
muc Master Unlock Code
oman Operator's Manual Betriebsanleitung
opsc Operations Center Einsatzzentrale
rs RowSense
serva Service Advisor
sf StarFire
ss Stellar Support
ss Stellar Support
sub Subscription Abonnement
tcsm Territory Customer Support Manager Technischer Bezirksleiter
tman Technical Manual Technische Betriebsanleitung
tp TouchPoint
warrep Warranty Reports

Autocorrect Product Names

The following words will correct to the appropriate case no matter how you type it as long as the spelling is the same.

  • ATU
  • AutoTrac
  • CCMS
  • DTAC
  • DTAC
  • GS2
  • GS3
  • iTC
  • iTEC Pro when itec is typed
  • JDLink
  • mRTK
  • MTG
  • PMCalc
  • RACF
  • RDA
  • RowSense
  • RTK
  • SF1
  • SF2
  • SF3
  • SF4
  • SSU
  • StarFire
  • TCSM
  • VAT
  • VIN
  • WDT
  • xID
  • Months and Days of the week

Ease of use

Key Combo Result
Win+w Opens My Documents
Win+j Opens your dowloads