Adding german translations and links to wiki articles

David Daily 2020-02-27 02:43:54 -06:00
parent 28f9dd0160
commit 52158bfc60

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ Determined by the values in Settings.ini:
| `]me` or `[me` | your RACF |
| `@me` | your email |
`Alt+Shift+S` will open the Solution / Manual opener. Input numbers / letters and press enter. If you input just numbers, it will try to open it as a DTAC solution. If you enter letters and numbers, it will try to open it as an operator manual.
[`Alt+Shift+S` will open the Solution / Manual opener](
`Alt+Shift+\` to open a settings window to easily change your settings
[`Alt+Shift+\` to open a settings window to easily change your settings](
`\case` will type out the current timestamp, and fields for Name, Username, Email, and two extra lines to space it off from the documentation. I use this for customer calls. (`|case` if you have German enabled for a german version)
@ -19,10 +19,20 @@ Determined by the values in Settings.ini:
`Win+j` will open your downloads folder
## `]shortcut` is the syntax
`[{shortcut}` for German: German completions only work if enabled in the settings, **open settings with `Alt+Shift+\`**
`[{shortcut}` for German: German completions only work if enabled in the [settings](, **open settings with `Alt+Shift+\`**
#### German special characters
| Key Combo | Result |
| --- | --- |
| `Alt+a` | ä |
| `Alt+Shift+a` | Ä |
| `Alt+o` | ö |
| `Alt+Shift+o` | Ö |
| `Alt+u` | ü |
| `Alt+Shift+u` | Ü |
| `Alt+s` | ß |
### Email specific:
### Email specific
| Shortcut | What it expands to |
| --- | --- |
| `email` | Email templateish thing |
@ -30,7 +40,7 @@ Determined by the values in Settings.ini:
| `2yc` | 2 Year old COMAR |
| `cms` | Similar to email, except it includes a signature |
### Regular:
### Case things
| Shortcut | What it expands to |
| --- | --- |
| `rec` | This will type the default case update disclaimer |
@ -43,39 +53,39 @@ Determined by the values in Settings.ini:
| `dtac` | DTAC Problem |
### Product Names
| Shortcut | What it expands to |
| --- | --- |
| `jdld` | JDLink Dashboard |
| `jdlw` | JDLink Web |
| `jdll` | JDLink |
| `jdlc` | JDLink Connect |
| `jdla` | JDLink Access |
| `jdls` | JDLink Subscription |
| `jdp` | JDParts |
| `opsc` | Operations Center |
| `sub` | Subscription |
| `ss` | Stellar Support |
| `rs` | RowSense |
| `at` | AutoTrac |
| `sf` | StarFire |
| `mjd` | MyJohnDeere |
| `ss` | Stellar Support |
| `tman` | Technical Manual |
| `operm` | Operator's Manual |
| `hlo` | Original HarvestLab |
| `hl3` | HarvestLab 3000 |
| `bin` | Virtual Inventory |
| `warrep` | Warranty Reports |
| `tp` | TouchPoint |
| `tcsm` | Territory Customer Support Manager |
| `macrep` | Machine Reports |
| `jdsm` | John Deere Software Manager |
| `jddm` | John Deere Data Manager |
| `serva` | Service Advisor |
| `muc` | Master Unlock Code |
| `eq` | ≈ |
| `deg` | ° |
| Shortcut | What it expands to | German version |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `jdld` | JDLink Dashboard | |
| `jdlw` | JDLink Web | |
| `jdll` | JDLink | |
| `jdlc` | JDLink Connect | |
| `jdla` | JDLink Access | |
| `jdls` | JDLink Subscription | JDLink Abonnement |
| `jdp` | JDParts | |
| `opsc` | Operations Center | Einsatzzentrale |
| `sub` | Subscription | Abonnement |
| `ss` | Stellar Support | |
| `rs` | RowSense | |
| `at` | AutoTrac | |
| `sf` | StarFire | |
| `mjd` | MyJohnDeere | |
| `ss` | Stellar Support | |
| `tman` | Technical Manual | Technische Betriebsanleitung |
| `oman` | Operator's Manual | Betriebsanleitung |
| `hlo` | Original HarvestLab | Originales HarvestLab |
| `hl3` | HarvestLab 3000 | |
| `bin` | Virtual Inventory | Virtuellen Bestand |
| `warrep` | Warranty Reports | |
| `tp` | TouchPoint | |
| `tcsm` | Territory Customer Support Manager | Technischer Bezirksleiter |
| `macrep` | Machine Reports | |
| `jdsm` | John Deere Software Manager | |
| `jddm` | John Deere Data Manager | |
| `serva` | Service Advisor | |
| `muc` | Master Unlock Code | |
| `xx` | XXXXXXXXXXXXX | |
| `eq` | ≈ | |
| `deg` | ° | |