Add support for updating the dealer information

wrote a new function for this, check func.ahk: f6d0981b3b
This commit is contained in:
David Daily 2020-01-23 05:34:20 -06:00
parent f6d0981b3b
commit c9fced6b6d
1 changed files with 33 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ If (glovar = 1)
If InStr(REKey, "xid") ; If an xID is entered. Unique identifier for people
dealinfo := GetInfo(REValue) ; Gets information, see function for details
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes xID uppercase
dealinfo := GetInfo(REValue) ; Gets information, see function for details
if !(REValue = dealinfo.xid)
@ -152,17 +152,15 @@ If (glovar = 1)
FileCopy, tempglovar, glovar.ahk,1
FileDelete, tempglovar
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "xID", REValue) ; Writes the xID entered, but uppercase
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "dem", ; Writes email address (incredibly useful)
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "dnm", ; Writes Name (useful for when referring to that person)
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "dus", dealinfo.user) ; Writes demo account name (somewhat useful)
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "xID", REValue) ; Writes the xID entered, but uppercase
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "dem", ; Writes email address (incredibly useful)
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "dnm", ; Writes Name (useful for when referring to that person)
ini_writeValue(glovarini, "dus", dealinfo.user) ; Writes demo account name (somewhat useful)
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
If (InStr(REKey, "dem") or InStr(REKey, "dnm") or InStr(REKey, "dus"))
If (InStr(REKey, "dem") or InStr(REKey, "dnm") or InStr(REKey, "dus") or InStr(REKey, "dorg"))
; Do not process xID related info, that is done above
@ -193,6 +191,20 @@ If (glovar = 1)
If InStr(RESection, "up")
new_email := ini_getValue(%glovarini%, "up", "dem")
new_name := ini_getValue(%glovarini%, "up", "dnm")
new_user := ini_getValue(%glovarini%, "up", "dus")
new_org := ini_getValue(%glovarini%, "up", "dorg")
xID := ini_getValue(%glovarini%, "up", "xID")
StringUpper, new_user, new_user
SetInfo(xID, "email", new_email)
SetInfo(xID, "name", new_name)
SetInfo(xID, "user", new_user)
SetInfo(xID, "org", new_org)
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
@ -616,18 +628,21 @@ SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Run, C:\Users\%racf%\Downloads ; Open the downloads folder on Win+J
Run, C:\Users\%racf%\Downloads ; Open the downloads folder on Win+J
if WinActive("ahk_exe Explorer.EXE") ; If windows explorer is focused
Send !d ; Focus the address bar
Send C:\Users\%racf%\Documents\Work_Docs\Cases\2020-01 - 06 ; current folder, would love to use a var instead, but Run doesn't like it
Send {Enter}
Run, C:\Users\%racf%\Documents\Work_Docs\Cases\2020-01 - 06 ; Open the documentation folder on Win+W
if WinActive("ahk_exe Explorer.EXE") ; If windows explorer is focused
Send !d ; Focus the address bar
Send %A_MyDocuments%\Work_Docs\Cases\2020-01 - 06 ; current folder
Send {Enter}
Run, %A_MyDocuments%\Work_Docs\Cases\2020-01 - 06 ; Open the documentation folder on Win+W