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2019-12-18 10:51:23 -06:00
% eBook
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (29/12/14)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Luis Cobo ( with extensive modifications by:
% Vel (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
\documentclass[oneside, 9pt]{memoir} % Font size
2020-01-03 10:51:23 -06:00
\input{structure.tex} % Include the file that specifies the document structure and layout
2019-12-18 10:51:23 -06:00
\title{Anders 1} % Book title
\newcommand{\subtitle}{The Dead City} % Book Subtitle
\author{Wolfgang \& Heike Hohlbein, translated by David Daily} % Author
\newcommand{\edition}{Edition 0} % Book edition
\thispagestyle{empty} % Suppress page numbering
2020-01-03 10:51:23 -06:00
\ThisCenterWallPaper{2.4}{background.jpg} % Add the background image, the first argument is the scaling - adjust this as necessary so the image fits the entire page
2019-12-18 10:51:23 -06:00
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% "Text width" adjusts the wrapping width, "xshift/yshift" adjust the position relative to the white rectangle
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% "Text width" adjusts the wrapping width, "xshift/yshift" adjust the position relative to the white rectangle
\newpage % Make sure the following content is on a new page
\chapter*{Hey, Listen!} % Introduction chapter suppressed from the table of contents
{\Huge This is a work in progress.
\large Current stage: First draft.
\normalsize I'm just going through and translating it as best I can without reading over it too much.
I'll make sure the sentence makes some sense, but it isn't gonna be perfect.
I'll need to go over it multiple times later anyway.}
2019-12-18 10:51:23 -06:00
\newpage % Make sure the following content is on a new page
2020-01-03 10:51:23 -06:00
2020-01-08 05:40:30 -06:00
2020-01-08 07:04:30 -06:00
2020-01-06 09:27:22 -06:00
2019-12-18 10:51:23 -06:00