2019-12-07 16:07:47 -06:00

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{\Large Joe's Spells}
As long as the requirement is met can be cast instantly (113). Spells start on page 135 \vspace{2mm}
\def\y{{\Large\textgamma}} % big 'ol X to mark things as vulgar
\begin{tabularx}{26.5cm}{| c | c | l | >{\itshape\arraybackslash}X | c | c | c | c | r |}
\textbf{Dots} & \textbf{Arcana} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Dice Pool} & \textbf{Duration} & \huge{\textgamma} & \textbf{M} & \textbf{Pg.} \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Forces & Influence Heat & Guide direction and flow of heat & INT+Occult+Forces & Scene && 1 & 164 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Forces & Influence Light & Guide direction and flow of light & INT+Occult+Forces & Scene && 1 & 165 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Forces & Influence Sound & Guide direction and flow of sound & INT+Occult+Forces & Scene && 1 & 165 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Forces & Nightsight & See in the dark like a nocturnal predator, can percieve IR, UV, EMF, Sonic \& kinetic energy & Wits+Composure+Forces & Scene && 1 & 165 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Forces & Read Matrices & Detect various forms of energy refer to book for this one & Wits+Occult+Forces & Scene && 1 & 165 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Forces & Receiver & Hear super- or sub-sonic sounds, does not improve hearing & Wits+Occult+Forces & Scene && 1 & 166 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Forces & Tune In & Listen in on free-floating transmissions, translate it into intelligible info, Wits+Science to discern signal & INT+Science+Forces & Scene && 1 & 166 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Life & Analyze Life & Discern species, age \& sex of nearby plant, animal, or human & Depends & Concentration &&& 182 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Life & Cleanse the Body & Cleanse yourself of drugs, toxins, or poisons & Stamina+Medicine+Life & Lasting &&& 182 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Life & Healer's Trance & Discern state of health and identify illness of living being & INT+Medicine+Life & Concentration &&& 183 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Life & Pulse of the Living World & Detect presence of mystic vital animation & Wits+Medicine+Life & Scene &&& 183 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Life & Sense Life & Know how close a specific type of life is & Wits+Animal Ken+Life & Scene &&& 183 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Body Control & Perfect control of bodily functions (read book) & Wits+Athletics+Life & Scene &&& 184 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Control Basic Life & Control the instincts of base life forms (read book) & Manipulation+Animal Ken+Life & Scene &&& 184 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Heal Flora and Fauna & Heal the wounds of animals and plants & INT+Medicine+Life & Lasting &&& 185 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Organic Resilience & General protection from all sorts of physical harm, +\wodots{1}{0} per dot in Matter to armor, spend \wodots{1}{0}M for it to last a day & INT+Medicine+Life & Scene &&& 185 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Purify Bodies & Cleanse others of drugs, toxins, or poisons & INT+Medicine+Life & Lasting &&& 185 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Self Healing & Heal yourself of injuries and wounds, each success = +\wodots{1}{0}HP & DEX+Medicine+Life & Lasting && 1 & 185 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Self Purging & Cure sickness or disease in yourself & Stamina + Medicine + Life & Lasting &&& 185 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Transfer Base Features & Give one base life form features from another life form & INT+Animal Ken+Life & Scene & \y && 186 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Transform Base Life & Transform one base form of life into another (read book) & INT+Survival+Life & Scene & \y && 186 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Visions of the Living World & Give another mage or supernatural being ``Pulse of the Living World'' & INT+Survival+Life & Scene &&& 187 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Life & Banish Plague & Cure sickness or disease in others & Wits+Medicine+Life & Lasting &&& 187 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Spirit & Coaxing the Spirits & Whisper to an object to use it better & Manipulation+Socialize+Spirit & Scene &&& 247 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Spirit & Exorcist's Eye & Detect posessing entity within terrestrial being & Wits+Occult+Spirit & Concentration &&& 247 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Spirit & Second Sight & Determine strenght of local gauntlet (pg. 284), +1 dice to Numinal and wereolf gifts and rituals as well as loci & INT+Occult+Spirit & Scene &&& 248 \nl
\wodots{1}{d} & Spirit & Spirit Tongue & See, hear, and speak with spirits & Presence+Socialize+Spirit & Scene &&& 248 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Spirit & Ephemeral Shield & General protection from all sorts of physical harm, +\wodots{1}{0} per dot in Matter to armor, spend \wodots{1}{0}M for it to last a day & Stamina+Occult+Spirit & Scene &&& 248 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Spirit & Gossamer Touch & Physically interact with spirits and spiritual things in the Twilight state & DEX+Athletics+Spirit & Scene & \y && 249 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Spirit & Grant the Second Sight & Give someone else ``Second Sight'' & Manipulation+Persuasion+Spirit & Scene &&& 249 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Spirit & Lesser Spirit Summons & Call out to a specific spirit or send out a general call to the nearest one & Presence+Persuasion+Spirit & Scene &&& 249 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Spirit & Peer Across the Gauntlet & Peer across the gauntlet into the shadow realm or vice versa & Wits+Occult+Spirit & Scene &&& 249 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Spirit & Place of Power & Fortify or weaken the gauntlet at a hallow & Resolve+Survival+Spirit & Scene & \y && 249 \nl
\wodots{2}{d} & Spirit & Soul Jar & Make a sealeable container able to store a soul & Presence+Crafts+Spirit & Scene &&& 139 \nl
% Dots Arcana Title Description Dice Pool Duration Vulgar? Cost Page \nl
{\Large \textgamma} = Vulgar (QRG 129, full 270) • Learn rotes from someone who already knows them, 2 XP per dot in the highest Arcanum used • Disbelief: 276 • Thaumaturgy: 291 • Mage Sight: 112