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\noindent {\Large Success = 8 or higher}
Starting dice pool = Gnosis (\ding{194}) + Yantra + Arcanum of spell being cast
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Dedicated Tool}}
\textit{\textbf{\href{https://www.behance.net/gallery/36422251/The-Luxury-Pill-Bottle}{Brass Pill Bottle}}}
Using a dedicated tool as a Yantra decreases any paradox dice pool by 2
Due to \textit{Enhanced Item} {\footnotesize (102)}, add 6 to casting die pool when it is used
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Mana}}{\footnotesize (88)}
\textit{Restoring Mana:} Perform ritual/ceremony at a Hallow or -\wodots{1}{d} Attribute incl. Health (restored after 24 hours) = \points{1}Mana.
\textit{Spending Mana:} Pattern Restoration (\ding{194}M=\wodots{1}{d} bashing or lethal wound), mitigating Paradoxes
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Trained Observer}}{\footnotesize (108)}
9 \& 10 explode on perception checks \textit{(usually Wits \wodots{4}{d} + Composure \wodots{4}{d})}
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Combined Spells}}{\footnotesize (119)}
Can combine two due to Gnosis \ding{194}
$Base\ dice\ pool = (Gnosis + lowest\ Arcanum\ used) - (Spells - 1) \times 2$
\vspace{3mm}\noindent\href{http://oakthorne.net/wiki/index.php/Mage_Awakening_Spellcasting_Steps}{{\large Better QRG}\newline \textit{http://oakthorne.net/wiki/index.php/Mage\_Awakening\_Spellcasting\_Steps}}
\vspace{3mm}\noindent\href{https://wodhelp.daviddaily.dev}{{\large Spell Calculator}\newline \textit{wodhelp.daviddaily.dev}}