David's Files
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{\Large Basic character details} \vspace{2mm}
\begin{tabular}{r l r l r l}
Name: & \textit{Andreas ``Andrew'' Kortig} & Concept: &\textit{Schizo Artiste} & Path: & \textit{Magistos} \\
Player: & \textit{David\texttrademark} & Virtue: & \textit{Prudence} & Order: & \textit{Nameless} \\
Chronicle: & \textit{Chicago} & Vice: & \textit{Sloth} & Age: & \textit{27 (1992)} \\
\end{tabular} \vspace{3mm}
{\Large Attributes} \vspace{2mm}
\begin{tabular}{r |c r l c r l c r l}
\textit{Power} && Intelligence & \wodots{3}{5}& & Strength & \wodots{2}{5}& & Presence & \wodots{2}{5} \\ \hline
\textit{Finesse} && Wits & \wodots{4}{5}& & Dexterity & \wodots{2}{5}& & Manipulation & \wodots{2}{5} \\ \hline
\textit{Resistance} && Resolve & \wodots{2}{5}& & Stamina & \wodots{4}{5}& & Composure & \wodots{4}{5} \\
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{\large \textit{Familiar}}
\textbf{Type:} Type
\textbf{Description:} Description
\textbf{Power:} Power
\textbf{Finesse:} Finesse
\textbf{Resistance:} Resistance
\textbf{Skills:} A fuckton, hell if I know.
\textbf{\textit{Initiative:}} 23
\textbf{Defense:} De-Fence
\textbf{Speed:} 7
\textbf{Size:} 5
\textbf{Influence:} 300
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X | c}
\textbf{Numina} & \textbf{Cost} \\ \hline
What does that even mean & 6 \\ \hline
\textbf{Ban:} Banned
{\large \points{7}}
{\large \points{3}}
{\large \points{10}}
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\documentclass[10pt, letterpaper]{article}
% http://detexify.kirelabs.org/symbols.html
{\Large Skills}
\rule{4.5cm}{1px} \vspace{3mm}
{\Large Other Traits}
{\footnotesize Last updated \today}
\href{https://daviddaily.dev/LaTeX/Character%20Sheet/MtA%202nd%20Edition.pdf}{All page references are as PDF page numbers}
\textbf{Initiative Mod} = Dexterity + Composure
\begin{tabular}{r c l c | c r c l}
Josh & = & Ed &&& Ashley & = & Elvira\\
Jeff & = & Will &&& Joe & = & ``Zeke''\\
Matt & = & Nadia &&& Jake & = & ``Alan''\\
David \ding{70} Page 2
%\newpage \input{Familiar.tex}
} \end{document}
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\begin{tabular}{r l}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\large{\textbf{Merits}}} \\
Resources & \wodots{3}{5} \\
Trained Observer & \wodots{1}{d} \\
Enhanced Item & \wodots{6}{d} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\large{\textbf{Flaws}}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Coward}} \\
Size: & 5 \\
Speed: & 9 \\
\textbf{Initiative Mod:} & 6 \\
Defence: & 3 \\
Armor: & 0 \\
\textit{XP:} & 0 \textit{\footnotesize 84} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\large{\textbf{Arcana}}} \\
Death & \wodots{0}{4} \\
Fate & \wodots{0}{4} \\
Forces & \wodots{3}{4} \\
Life & \wodots{0}{4} \\
\textit{Matter} & \wodots{0}{2} \\
\textbf{Mind} & \wodots{2}{5} \\
Prime & \wodots{0}{4} \\
\textbf{Space} & \wodots{3}{5} \\
Spirit & \wodots{0}{4} \\
Time & \wodots{0}{4} \\
\vspace{-4mm}{\footnotesize 3 per turn}
\vspace{-4mm}{\footnotesize 87}
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\noindent {\Large Success = 8 or higher}
Starting dice pool = Gnosis (\ding{194}) + Yantra + Arcanum of spell being cast
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Dedicated Tool}}
\textit{\textbf{\href{https://www.behance.net/gallery/36422251/The-Luxury-Pill-Bottle}{Brass Pill Bottle}}}
Using a dedicated tool as a Yantra decreases any paradox dice pool by 2
Due to \textit{Enhanced Item} {\footnotesize (102)}, add 6 to casting die pool when it is used
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Mana}}{\footnotesize (88)}
\textit{Restoring Mana:} Perform ritual/ceremony at a Hallow or -\wodots{1}{d} Attribute incl. Health (restored after 24 hours) = \points{1}Mana.
\textit{Spending Mana:} Pattern Restoration (\ding{194}M=\wodots{1}{d} bashing or lethal wound), mitigating Paradoxes
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Trained Observer}}{\footnotesize (108)}
9 \& 10 explode on perception checks \textit{(usually Wits \wodots{4}{d} + Composure \wodots{4}{d})}
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Combined Spells}}{\footnotesize (119)}
Can combine two due to Gnosis \ding{194}
$Base\ dice\ pool = (Gnosis + lowest\ Arcanum\ used) - (Spells - 1) \times 2$
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Reach}}{\footnotesize (114)}
Each Reach = +2 paradox die {\footnotesize (87)}
Use Reach to go from Standard to Advanced spell factor chart or create specialized effects in certain spells such as increasing damage type on attack spells.
1 free Reach \textit{(does not add paradox dice)} per dot in highest-rated Arcanum that meets or exceeds spell's requirement.
For example: Mage with Mind \wodots{4}{d} gains 2 free Reaches when casting a spell that requires Mind \wodots{1}{d}
\vspace{3mm}\noindent{\large \textbf{Spell Factors}}{\footnotesize (114)}
Spell factors are always 1, Primary Spell Factor (denoted \textbf{SF}) is = to highest arcanum used.
\vspace{2mm} \begin{tabular}{| l l | r l |}
\multicolumn{2}{c|}{\large Standard Duration - Transitory} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large Advanced Duration - Prolonged} \nl \hline
\textit{Duration} & \textit{Dice Penalty} & \textit{Duration} & \textit{Dice Penalty}\nl
1 turn & None & One Scene/hour & None \nl
2 turns & -2 & One Day & -2 \nl
3 turns & -4 & One Week & -4 \nl
5 turns & -6 & One Month & -6 \nl
10 turns & -8* & One Year & -8 \nl
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{* Add -2 per extra +10 turns} & Indefinite & -10 (requires a reach and \points{1} M) \nl
\vspace{2mm} \begin{tabular}{| c c l l |}
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\large Standard Scale} \nl
\textit{Subjects} & \textit{Size of largest Subject} & \textit{AoE} & \textit{Dice Penalty}\nl
1 & 5 & Arm's reach from a central point & None \nl
2 & 6 & Small room & -2 \nl
4 & 7 & Large room & -4 \nl
8 & 8 & Several rooms, or a single floor of a house & -6 \nl
16 & 9 & Ballroom or small house & -8 \nl \hline
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\large Advanced Scale} \nl
5 & 5 & Large house or building & None \nl
10 & 10 & Small warehouse or parking lot & -2 \nl
20 & 15 & Large warehouse or supermarket & -4 \nl
40 & 20 & Small factory or shopping mall & -6 \nl
80 & 25 & Large factory or city block & -8 \nl
160* & 30 & Campus or small neighborhood & -10 \nl
{\footnotesize * Add an additional -2 penalty for each extra $\times$2 subjects or +5 increase in Size of the subject. For example :$320\ Subjects\ each \leq Size\ 35 = -12\ Penalty$.}
AoE can not be increased past \textit{campus or small neighborhood}.
\noindent\href{http://oakthorne.net/wiki/index.php/Mage_Awakening_Spellcasting_Steps}{Better QRG: http://oakthorne.net/wiki/index.php/Mage\_Awakening\_Spellcasting\_Steps}
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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l c}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{{\large Mental}} \hspace{4pt} \textit{-3 unskilled}} \\
Academics & \wodots{0}{5} \\
Computer & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Crafts \textit{(Jury Rigging)} & \wodots{3}{5} \\
Investigation & \wodots{2}{5} \\
Medicine \textit{(Emergency)} & \wodots{3}{5} \\
Occult & \wodots{2}{5} \\
Politics & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Science & \wodots{2}{5} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{{\large Physical}} \hspace{4pt} \textit{-1 unskilled}} \\
Athletics & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Brawl & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Drive & \wodots{3}{5} \\
Firearms & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Larceny & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Stealth & \wodots{2}{5} \\
Survival \textit{(Navigation)} & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Weaponry & \wodots{2}{5} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{{\large Social}} \hspace{4pt} \textit{-1 unskilled}} \\
Animal Ken & \wodots{0}{5} \\
Empathy \textit{(Free Dot)} & \wodots{2}{5} \\
Expression & \wodots{0}{5} \\
Intimidation & \wodots{2}{5} \\
Persuasion & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Socialize & \wodots{0}{5} \\
Streetwise & \wodots{1}{5} \\
Subterfuge & \wodots{2}{5} \\
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David \ding{70} Page 3 \ding{70} Spells start on page 129
\begin{tabularx}{26.5cm}{| l | >{\bfseries}l | >{\itshape\arraybackslash}X | c | c | r |}
\textbf{Arcana} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description, \ding{71} = Reach} & \textbf{SF} & \textbf{M} & \textbf{Pg.} \nl \hline
Forces \wodots{1}{d} & Influence Electricity & Operate electrical devices as they normally would, but with magic & D & 1 & 141 \nl
Forces \wodots{1}{d} & Influence Fire & Guide path of existing flames \rch1: Can increase size by 1 level & D & 1 & 141 \nl
Forces \wodots{1}{d} & Kinetic Efficiency & ``Nudge'' kinetic forces. Bonus on rolls to resist fatigue equal to potency, add dots in Forces to: yards covered in jump, swimming \& running speed, climbing rolls & D & 1 & 142 \nl
Forces \wodots{1}{d} & Influence Heat & Guide direction of existing heat. Prevents heat or cold damage \& conditions from Extreme Environments {\footnotesize (225)} 2: Heavy snow, potential hypothermia, minor radiation poisoning, sun quickly causes 1\textsuperscript{st} degree burns \rch1: Keep safe up to ExEnv 3: Desert, heat causing 2\textsuperscript{nd} degree burns, moderate radiation \rch2: Keep safe up to ExEnv 4: Desert sandstorm, severe hurricane, tornado, tsunami & D & 1 & 142 \nl
Forces \wodots{1}{d} & Nightvision & Enhance ambient light, sense of vibration \& thermal changes, see UV and IR spectrum. Feel + see electromagnetic radiation, sounds \& kinetic energies. Can make out details but colors are muted in dark. Bright lights and suddens sounds an blind or disorient. \rch1: No negatives & D & 1 & 142 \nl
Forces \wodots{1}{d} & Receiver & Hear Infra- and Ultra-sound frequencies. Potency = dice bonus to rolls & D & 1 & 142 \nl
Forces \wodots{1}{d} & Tune In & Listen to free-floating data transmission & D & 1 & 142 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Control Electricity & Alter flow as well as diminish current. Can not create without source. Can cause electrical dmg {\footnotesize (225)}. Level of potency can control line of power or reduce current. Reduction based on Transform Energy table {\footnotesize (147)} & D & 1 & 143 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Control Fire & Control existing flames extensively. 1 lvl of Potency = 1 lvl of heat or 1 lvl of size. If either reduced to 0 fire goes out. At end of duration if not extinguished fire spreads among available fuel & D & 1 & 143 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Control Gravity & Redirect force of gravity in an area. Anything not secured falls in chosen direction & D & 1 & 143 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Control Heat & Increase or decrease temperature of an area. 1 lvl of Potency = 1 lvl of ExEnv {\footnotesize (225)} with a room temp room being 0. & D & 1 & 143 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Control Light & Dim or intensify existing light in spell's AoE. $1 Potency = \times 2\ or \times 0.5$ the light's candescence. Can focus, disperse, change wavelength. \rch1 Spell can create mirroring or complete black-out & D & 1 & 143 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Control Sound & Amplify or weaken the volume and change direction of sound in spell's AoE. $1 Potency = \times 2 or\ \times 0.5$ volume of sound. \rch1 Create echoing effect by ``nudging'' sound into nearby obstacles. Stealth rolls in affected area -5 max Potency. \rch1 Bonus to hearing-based perception witin AoE, Potency max 5 & D & 1 & 144 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Control Weather & Control existing weather patterns. Light shower \ding{254}thunderstorm, clear morning \ding{254}fog, warm day \ding{254}unbearably hot, conjure cooling breeze. Changes immediately. 1 Potency = 1 ExEnv max 4 \rch1 Weather changes more gradually over next few hours \rch2 Required for more drastic changes & D & 1 & 144 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Environmental Shield & Shield yourself against harmful environmental conditions up to ExEnv level = to Potency. Only protects against indirect dmg & D & 1 & 144 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Invisibility & Completely invisible, still make sound & D & 1 & 144 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Kinetic Blow & Bludgeoning attacks cause piercing lethal dmg. Only works with unarmed strikes. Potency = weapon bonus, max +5 \rch1 The spell applies the Knocked Down Tilt, Stunned Tilt, or affects held weapons \rch2 Spell affects thrown weapons or firearms: bullets gain AP = Potency & D & 1 & 144 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Transmission & Hijack existing signals to change transmitted data or destination. \rch1 Signal can be ``encrypted'' so that only certain actions can receive them properly & D & 1 & 145 \nl
Forces \wodots{2}{d} & Zoom In & Greatly magnify vision $1 Potency = \times 2$ distance can see clearly. + Potency to notice small details \rch1 See clearly 1 mi./dot in Forces, clearly discern dust-sized particles, or no penalties from atmospheric conditions \rch2 See microscopic particles, even molecular bonds between objects & D & 1 & 145 \nl
Forces \wodots{3}{d} & Call Lightning & Conjure lightning down from stormy sky, cannot create weather with this. Target must be exposed in some way. Damage p.\ 225 & P & 1 & 145 \nl
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\ding{70} Continued on page 4 \ding{70}} \\
\vspace{1mm} {\footnotesize
\textbf{QRG pg. 326} \ding{70} If spell is from Common or Inferior, it costs 1 Mana {\footnotesize (112)} \ding{70} Clash of Wills= Gnosis + Arcanum, spend willpower to bolster roll
David \ding{70} Page 4
\begin{tabularx}{26.5cm}{| l | >{\bfseries}l | >{\itshape\arraybackslash}X | c | c | r |}
\textbf{Arcana} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description, \ding{71} = Reach} & \textbf{SF} & \textbf{M} & \textbf{Pg.} \nl
Forces \wodots{3}{d} & Gravitic Supremacy & Increase or decrease gravity. +=-3 Speed/lvl of Potency. If potenct exceeds strength of animal caught in the area, subject suffers -1 to all physical dice pools for each point of difference. Flying creatures need to succeed STR+Ath each turn or plummet \@ speed equal to Potency. Additionaly control direction objects fall & D & 1 & 145 \nl
Forces \wodots{3}{d} & Telekinesis & Lift or manipulate an object remotely.Apply spell's Potency to STR, DEX, or Speed. Other two default to 1. Requires concentration. \rch1 Divide Potency among two categories. This reach may be performed twice & D & 1 & 145 \nl
Forces \wodots{3}{d} & Telekinetic Strike & Crush subjects or create ball of highly pressurized air to hurl at foes. Potency = DMG (B) \rch1 Spell inflicts Knocked Down or Stunned Tilt & P & 1 & 146 \nl
Forces \wodots{3}{d} & Turn Momentum & Redirect a target's momentum. Make a number of moving objects up to Potency veer off target. Max size is determined by spell's Scale factor. \rch1 Use as reflexive action \rch1 control where the objects are redirected to as long as it is within 90\textdegree of the original arc in any direction \rch2 Object's momentum can be completely reversed. Thrown and Ranged weapons strike their users & P & 1 & 146 \nl
Forces \wodots{3}{d} & Velocity Control & Greatly increase or decrease object's velocity. V doubles or halves for each level of Potency. Must be able to affect entire size to affect it, cannot target front tire of 18-wheeler and bring it to a stop. Velocity change affects dmg based on collisions. Cannot reduce moving object's speed to 0 & P & 1 & 146 \nl \hline
Mind \wodots{1}{d} & Know Nature & Determine virtue, vice, how many total dots in Mental and Social attributes person has \rch1 Determine Aspirations \& Obsessions or specific Social or Mental Attribute Rating rather than total number & P & & 160 \nl
Mind \wodots{1}{d} & Mental Scan & Discern mental and emotional state from surface thoughts. 1 Potency = 1 question to DM, answers come in flashes Withstand: Composure \rch1 Read snippets of ideas and words and phrases before they are said. & P & & 160 \nl
Mind \wodots{1}{d} & 1Mind2Thoughts & Hold 2 distinct trains of thought at the same time, perform 2 seperate Mental or Social extended task at the same time, niether purely Physical. \rch1 Perform 2 seperate Mental instant tasks at the same time \rch2 When in Astral Realms, one action can be purely ``Physical'' & D & & 160 \nl
Mind \wodots{1}{d} & Perfect Recall & Recall things from past with vivid detail. 1 Potency = 1 Memory with perfect accuracy & P & & 161 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Alter Mental Pattern & Alter subject's basic mental flow, change subconscious to reflect mental or emotional state mage wishes. Does not actually alter state of mind. & P & & 161 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Dream Reaching & Enter and share dreams. Witness and influence direction even though not actually part of dream \rch1 Become active part of dream: can take action inside {\footnotesize (249)} & D & & 161 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Emotional Urging & Project emotional state at subject. Choose + or -, allows opening one Door. Can benefit anyone during duration & P & & 161 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & First Impressions & Dictate how subject will react to social interaction. Spell affects next Social maneuvering attempt. Raise or lower first impression by Potency levels & D & & 161 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Incognito Presence & Hide psychic presence, causing onlookers to ignore. When looked at they want to avert eyes or barely notice. People cannot remember seeing when no longer looking her way. Any magic used against provokes Clash of Wills. & D & 1 & 161 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Memory Hole & Compartmentalize subject's thoughts, placing memories into areas they cannot acces or remember. Potency = Memories compartmentalized, forgotten completely for duration of spell & D & & 161 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Mental Shield & Protect from mental attack. Provokes Clash of Wills against ainy Goetia Numina, Influences, Manifestations, Mind spells, supernatural creature's mind-affecting abilities \rch1 Protectino extends to Goetia's physical attacks & D & & 161 \nl
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\ding{70} Continued on page 5 \ding{70}} \\
\vspace{1mm} {\footnotesize
\textbf{QRG pg. 326} \ding{70} If spell is from Common or Inferior, it costs 1 Mana {\footnotesize (112)} \ding{70} Clash of Wills= Gnosis + Arcanum, spend willpower to bolster roll
David \ding{70} Page 5
\begin{tabularx}{26.5cm}{| l | >{\bfseries}l | >{\itshape\arraybackslash}X | c | c | r |}
\textbf{Arcana} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description, \ding{71} = Reach} & \textbf{SF} & \textbf{M} & \textbf{Pg.} \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Psychic Domination & Send simple commands through thoughts and emotions to subject. Ideas form urges they are compelled to act upon even against own will as long as spell active. One-word orders only. \rch1 Capable of taking control of subject, forcing them to take actions against their will. One task as complex or simple as wanted, no mortal danger. \rch2 Spend \points{1} Mana for no limitations. & P & & 162 \nl
Mind \wodots{2}{d} & Telepathy & Synchronize surface thoughts of subjects. Potency as bonus to relevant Skill rolls (Empathy or Subterfuge) between the two. Careful thinking = message, Composure + Empathy for people unused to it. \rch1 Only thoughts the originating subject wishes to send are transmitted. \rch2 All subjects of spell are capable of sending and receiving thoughts. If spell has several subjects unused to telepathy, -1 penalty to Mental actions because of ``noise'' & P & & 162 \nl \hline
Space \wodots{1}{d} & Correspondence & Each potency = learn about a sympathetic link, oldest and strongest first. If other half is in sensory range, knows that and knows its exact location. \rch1 follow trail of sympathetic links or emotional character of connection \rch2 specify what connections to uncover in general terms or discover Key if subject is a Keyed spell or Iris {\footnotesize (244)} & P & & 173 \nl
Space \wodots{1}{d} & Ground-Eater & Add Potency to speed, or remove Potency from speed (not below 1) & P & & 174 \nl
Space \wodots{1}{d} & Isolation & Any attempt the subject makes to interact with other people costs \points{1} Willpower. Any dice pools are penalized by the spell's Potency. & P & & 174 \nl
Space \wodots{1}{d} & Locate Object & As long as subject is within the AoE, mage knows its precise location. \rch1 Continue to track subject even if it leaves the AoE & D & & 174 \nl
Space \wodots{1}{d} & Outward \& Inward Eye & See and hear in all directions and from all points within sensory range simultaneously. Cannot see things further away than normal perceptions would allow or through darkness. Reduce al penalties due to range, cover, or concealment by spell's Potency \rch2 See through existing warp, Distortion Iris, Scyring spel, portal created with Co-Location spell. At DM's discretion. & D & & 175 \nl
Space \wodots{2}{d} & Borrow Threads & Transfer \# of sympathetic connections equal to Potency between self and subjects as determined by spell's Scale \rch1 Redirect sympathetic connection between other subjects of spell directly \rch1 Instead of transferring sympathetic connections, mage can copy them & D & & 175 \nl
Space \wodots{2}{d} & Break Boundary & Bypass single physical obstacle restricting subject's movement. \rch1 Fit through narrow or restrictive pathways they wouldn't usually be able to fit through \rch2 Pass through obstructions even if they are unable to move, appearing on the other side & P & & 175 \nl
Space \wodots{2}{d} & Lying Maps & Twist subject's sense of direction, making them $certain$ that the best route is one the mage desires. If the subject is actively carefully navigating using a map or GPS, the navigation roll is a single chance die and even on a success it $feels$ wrong. & D & & 175 \nl
Space \wodots{2}{d} & Scrying & Create window that allows you to percieve subject like TV screen. Can choose if 1 or 2 way screen. Sympathetic to Location=broad overview of area, person/object=close up that follows subject. \newline Add Fate\wodots{2}{d}: Make window selectively one-way so only specific people can see from other side of window & D & & 175 \nl
Space \wodots{2}{d} & Secret Door & Cloak a door, intersection or similar aperture between two locations \rch1 Specify a key that allows the secret door to be seen & D & & 176 \nl
Space \wodots{2}{d} & Veil Sympathy & Conceal one of the sympathetic links, any attempt to uncover provokes Clash of Wills \rch1 Change what the sympathetic link goes to \rch1 Prevent Subject from being used as sympathetic yantra {\footnotesize (123)}, each level lowers sympathetic link by one level \rch2 Suppress $all$ of subject's sympathetic links, in both directions. & D & & 176 \nl
Space \wodots{2}{d} & Ward & Lock a subject down, preventing the space within from being manipulated. Magic that uses sympaty of warded subjects or tries to warp warded areas provokes Clash of Wills. & D & & 177 \nl
\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\ding{70} Continued on page 6 \ding{70}} \\
\vspace{1mm} {\footnotesize
\textbf{QRG pg. 326} \ding{70} If spell is from Common or Inferior, it costs 1 Mana {\footnotesize (112)} \ding{70} Clash of Wills= Gnosis + Arcanum, spend willpower to bolster roll
David \ding{70} Page 6
\begin{tabularx}{26.5cm}{| l | >{\bfseries}l | >{\itshape\arraybackslash}X | c | c | r |}
\textbf{Arcana} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description, \ding{71} = Reach} & \textbf{SF} & \textbf{M} & \textbf{Pg.} \nl
Space \wodots{3}{d} & Ban & Invert an area of space so that nothing inside the space can get out and nothing in, including light and air. \newline Add any Arcanum \wodots{2}{d}: Either exclude a phenomenon from the spell (Ex: let air or light through) or create a ban that only prohibits phenomena under that Arcanum's purview. & D & & 177 \nl
Space \wodots{3}{d} & Co-Location & Smear the distance between a number of locations = Potency causing them to overlap temporarily. Only mages using Active Mage Sight with Space can see the overlap, seems normal to everyone else. Scale determines how large each overlapped area can be. Each turn person that can percieve overlap can move object from one location to another. Capable of seeing can touch objects in any of the locations. Other location counts as being viewed remotely, individuals may not attack people in different locations. \rch1 Make anything in overlapped locations visible. Individual object, person, entire location, anyone can move objects. \rch1 Restrict it to 2d, creating a stable portal between 2 locations. Can combine with above to make it visible and useable for people without Space senses \rch1 Specify a Key needed to use the overlap \rch2 Individuals capable of percieving overlap may reflexively switch locations twice per turn & D & & 177 \nl
Space \wodots{3}{d} & Perfect Sympathy & Become so like subject it is trivial to predict them. \rch1 Sympathetic connection is so good it can fool magic. Clash of Wills, if mage succeeds can redirect spell's effects to one of subject's Strong sympathetic connections instead \rch1 Benefits for this extend to subject's Medium sympathetic connections & D & & 177 \nl
Space \wodots{3}{d} & Warp & Twist space subject occupies, torquing joints, bruising flesh, tearing muscle. Dmg = Potency, bashing damage \rch1 Pain of attack is such that the victim gains Arm Wrack or Leg Wrack Tilt & P & & 178 \nl
Space \wodots{3}{d} & Web-Weaver & Each lvl of Potency boosts single sympathetic connection by a step. & D & & 178 \nl
\vspace{1mm} {\footnotesize
\textbf{QRG pg. 326} \ding{70} If spell is from Common or Inferior, it costs 1 Mana {\footnotesize (112)} \ding{70} Clash of Wills= Gnosis + Arcanum, spend willpower to bolster roll
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\newcolumntype{R}{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X} % right multiline alignment
% Makes it so that you don't have to put \\ \hline at the end of each line, just \nl
% Dings are here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Special_Characters#/media/File:LaTeX-dingbats.png
% Symbol for spell descriptions for Reach separation
\def\rch{\newline \ding{71}}
% Usage: \wodots{amount marked (0-no more than total)}{total (0-10)}
{0}{% \points but the numbers are ascending. You could do \wodots{0}{number}, but this is so that it works the other way around too
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
{d}{% same as 0, but with dark dots instead
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'amount used' option: #1}{}]%
}[\PackageError{World of Dots}{Undefined 'total' option: #2}{}]%
% Points counting down
}[\PackageError{Counting Down}{Ya fucked up, undefined option: #1}{}]%
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