{Set up a network tunnel between friends using OSPF and Quorra. Router is a \href{https://mikrotik.com/product/RB952Ui-5ac2nD}{MicroTik hAP ac lite}, webserver below used as wireguard server as it is not readily available for RouterOS.}
\ecvEBSub{Custom DNS, DHCP, and VPN server}
{Utilized a Raspberry Pi to function as DHCP server, block ads by DNS, and to run as an OpenVPN server. The base of this project is \href{https://pi-hole.net/}{PiHole}, a DNS ad blocker built to run on a Raspberry Pi}
{Set up and maintaining a CentOS 7 server to host websites, databases, and projects including AutoHotKey, \LaTeX\hspace{0.5mm} (the tool being used to render this pdf), and Python. Utilized \href{https://www.docker.com/}{docker} to install \href{https://www.nginx.com/}{nginx}, \href{https://letsencrypt.org/}{letsencrypt}, and \href{https://gitea.io/}{gitea} after having installed them manually on a previous instance of the Web Server}
{Configured the above CentOS 7 installation to host \href{https://daviddaily.dev}{a website (daviddaily.dev)} and its components by using Apache, PHP, and Ajax. SSH and SFTP are secured with private keys.}
\ecvEBSub{Python Bots}
{Utilized \href{https://spotipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/}{Spotify}, \href{https://github.com/simon-weber/gmusicapi}{Google Play Music}, and \href{https://core.telegram.org/bots/api}{Telegram APIs} to create a \href{https://telegram.org}{Telegram} bot \href{https://t.me/MusicServiceBot}{(@MusicServiceBot)} to search for music and provide links to the selected song on \href{https://www.spotify.com}{Spotify}, \href{https://play.google.com/music/listen}{Google Play Music}, and \href{https://www.youtube.com}{YouTube}.}
\ecvNewLine Contractor at John Deere Global Support Center, providing German and English Language Support for Europe}
\ecvENR{Main responsibilities}
{Assisting and Training Dealers, Customers, and Coworkers from all continents with John Deere web tools and software on Displays, Receivers, and Telematics Hardware.}
\ecvEFR{Period}{2014 - 2016}
{\ecvBold{Homestead Assisted Living and Memory Care}
\ecvNewLine 1709 W Prarie St. Creston, IA, USA}
{Dietary Aid}
\ecvENR{Main responsibilities}
{Interacting with residents, washing dishes, maintaining a clean workplace}
{Windows Server 2012, Network Virtualization with VMware, EnCase forensic software, Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Access, Outlook, Sway)}