#Include, func.ahk Menu, Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 283 ; Set the tray icon to a keyboard SetWorkingDir, %A_MyDocuments%\D3K ; Make sure we can find the .ahks linked below csv = %A_MyDocuments%\Work_Docs\emails.csv ; Where the email CSV is Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow Gui, Add, Text, x2 y2 w60 h17 +Center, xID Gui, Add, Text, x65 y2 w120 h17 +Center, Name Gui, Add, Text, x190 y2 w100 h17 +Center, Email Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y17 w60 h20 vXid Gui, Add, Edit, x65 y17 w120 h20 vName Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y17 w100 h20 vEmail Gui, Add, Button, x172 y89 w70 h30 Default, OK Gui, Show, h39 w292, Add dealer to CSV Return ButtonOK: Gui, Submit writethis := Xid . "," . Email . "," . Name FileAppend, % "`n" writethis, %csv% Clipboard := Xid Return GuiEscape: GuiClose: ExitApp