#SingleInstance force ; The exe this is compiled into has manual.ico set as its icon. !+S::gui() gui() { static Number static Hidden Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y3 w78 h20 vNumber +Left, Gui, Add, Button, x22 y43 w70 h20 Default vHidden, Ok Gui, Add, Button, x81 y3 w17 h20 gHelp +Center, ? Gui, Show, h28 w100, ManSol GuiControl, Hide, Hidden Return ButtonOk: Gui, submit ; I have no idea what the regex means any more... If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:alpha:]]+") run, % "http://serviceadvisor.deere.com/WebSA/manuals/" . Number Else If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:digit:]]+") run, % "https://ccms.deere.com/prweb/PRServletCustomAuth/ZDate_MgiNPn1ccL6O6pyBurDs0hjFQ8*/!STANDARD?pyActivity=SolutionsSnapStart&Action=showHarness&className=Deere-Int-Solr-Docs&Purpose=SolutionDescriptionNew&SolutionID=" . Number . "&Language=Default" ExitApp Return Help: MsgBox, 262176, Manual & Solution opener, Press Alt+Shift+S to open the window.`nInput the TM/OM SKU (easily found on TechPubs) or the DTAC solution number to open it in your default browser.`nTMs & OMs open in Service Advisor. Return GuiClose: GuiEscape: Gui, Destroy Return }