#Include, func.ahk Menu, Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 283 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Read ini ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* This is the part that reads the file to see what your settings are. Variables in the ini file are in CamelCase, variables here are lowercase for more distinction */ ; User Specific things: racf := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "RACF") email := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "Email") name := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "Name") docfile := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "DocFile") ; General Settings mansol := ini_get(ini, "Main", "Mansol") mjdpaste := ini_get(ini, "Main", "MJDPaste") caseformatter := ini_get(ini, "Main", "CaseFormatter") cfmail := ini_get(ini, "Main", "CFmail") ; Replacement jdpn := ini_get(ini, "Replacement", "JDProductNames") glovar := ini_get(ini, "Replacement", "GloVar") ; Language ger := ini_get(ini, "Language", "German") ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Create GUI ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gui, -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox ; Remove the max+min buttons Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y2 w67 h37, RACF Gui, Add, Edit, x12 y15 w60 h20 vformRACF gRACF, %RACF% Gui, Add, GroupBox, x85 y2 w200 h37, First Name Gui, Add, Edit, x89 y15 w193 h20 vformName gName, %Name% Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y40 w207 h37, Email Address Gui, Add, Edit, x12 y53 w200 h20 vformEmail gEmail, %Email% Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y83 w107 h130, Main Gui, Add, CheckBox, x12 y95 w100 h30 vformMansol Checked%mansol% gMansol, ManSol Gui, Add, CheckBox, x12 y125 w100 h30 vformMJDPaste Checked%mjdpaste% gMJDPaste, MJDPaste Gui, Add, CheckBox, x12 y155 w100 h30 vformCaseFormatter Checked%caseformatter% gCaseFormatter, Case Formatter Gui, Add, CheckBox, x25 y178 w75 h30 vformCFmail Checked%cfmail% gCFmail, Email option GuiControl, show%caseformatter%, formCFmail ; only shows the check box for emails if the Case Formatter box is checked Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y215 w277 h40 vformDocFile, Documentation File Gui, Add, Text, x15 y231 w260 h20 vformDocFile2 gDocFile, %docfile% GuiControl, show%caseformatter%, formDocFile ; only shows the documentation file field if the Case Formatter box is checked GuiControl, show%caseformatter%, formDocFile2 Gui, Add, GroupBox, x128 y83 w157 h75, Text Replacement Gui, Add, CheckBox, x132 y95 w150 h30 vformJdpn Checked%jdpn% gJdpn, JD Product Names Gui, Add, CheckBox, x132 y125 w150 h30 vformGlovar Checked%glovar% gGlovar, Global Variables Gui, Add, CheckBox, x132 y155 w100 h30 vformGer Checked%ger% gGer, DE ([ as prefix) Gui, Add, Link, x132 y190 w150 h23 gHelp, Click here for help (v%d3k_version%) Gui, Show, h263 w295, David 3000 Settings Return ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Edit ini ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Default ini, sections are in []: (0 is off, 1 is on) [USpec] RACF=LF01234 Email=LastnameFirstname@JohnDeere.com Name=Firstname DocFile=Select File [Main] Mansol=1 MJDPaste=1 CaseFormatter=1 CFmail=0 [Replacement] JDProductNames=1 GloVar=0 [Language] German=0 format for below: Button G-label (executes when clicked): Submit the gui so that it can change and don't hide it write the state of the check box (a 0 for unchecked, 1 for checked), to the file at %ini%, section with this name, line with this name */ RACF: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "RACF", formRACF) Return Name: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "Name", formName) Return Email: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "Email", formEmail) Return DocFile: Gui, Submit FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, 3, , Open a file, Text Documents (*.txt; *.doc) if SelectedFile = MsgBox, You have not selected a file, this will break some things. else ini_write(ini, "DocFile", SelectedFile) docfile := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "DocFile") Gui, Show, h225 w295, David 3000 Settings Return Mansol: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "Mansol", formMansol) Return MJDPaste: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "MJDPaste", formMJDPaste) Return CaseFormatter: Gui, Submit, NoHide GuiControl, show%formCaseFormatter%, formCFmail ; only shows the check box for emails if the Case Formatter box is checked GuiControl, show%formCaseFormatter%, formDocFile GuiControl, show%formCaseFormatter%, formDocFile2 GuiControl,, formCFmail, 0 ini_write(ini, "CaseFormatter", formCaseFormatter) ini_write(ini, "CFmail", "0") ; if you're toggling this, its either on or off, doesn't hurt to set it here Return CFmail: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "CFmail", formCFmail) Return Jdpn: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "JDProductNames", formJdpn) Return Glovar: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "GloVar", formGlovar) Return Ger: Gui, Submit, NoHide ini_write(ini, "German", formGer) Return Help: Gui, Submit Return GuiClose: GuiEscape: Run D3K.ahk ExitApp ; Closes the app when escape or the exit button is pressed