Compare commits


14 Commits
2.9 ... master

8 changed files with 375 additions and 322 deletions

View File

@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ Write:
Else If (Act = "1") ; Warrant
FileAppend,Händler rief an für Garantieübertragung`nAlte SN: `nNeue SN: `nAuthentisierungscode: `n`n, %docfile%
FileAppend,Händler rief an für eine Garantieübertragung`nAlte SN: `nNeue SN: `nAuthentisierungscode: `n`n, %docfile%
Else If (Act = "2") ; Demo
FileAppend,Händler rief an für Demo`nSN: `nAuthentisierungscode: `n`n, %docfile%
FileAppend,Händler rief an für eine Demo`nSN: `nAuthentisierungscode: `n`n, %docfile%

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#Include, func.ahk
Menu, Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 283 ; Set the tray icon to a keyboard
Menu, Tray, Add, MouseMover ; Add item to tray icon right click for mouse mover
; Make sure the settings file exists, if not, create it
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ FileAppend,
DocFile=Select File
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ Run Settings.ahk ; Runs the GUI for changing the settings, also accessible with
; User Specific things:
racf := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "RACF")
email := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "Email")
name := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "Name")
docfile := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "DocFile")
; General Settings
@ -59,153 +62,134 @@ ger := ini_get(ini, "Language", "German")
If (glovar = 1)
glovarini := A_MyDocuments "\GloVar.ini" ; Location of the ini that the user modifies
glovarstart := "#SingleInstance force`n`n:*:$dorg::`n:*:$dus::`n:*:$dnm::`n:*:$dem::`n:*:$xid::`n"
SetTimer, GloVar, 2000 ; Check every 2 seconds
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini ; So that we don't get any problems with the file on disk being out of date. I use VSCode with the "Save on lose focus" option on, YMMV
FileGetTime, gvModNew, %glovarini%
if !(gvModNew = gvMod) ; Those two lines mean the rest of this only executes if there were changes to the ini.
FileGetTime, gvModNew, %glovarini%
if !(gvModNew = gvMod) ; Those two lines mean the rest of this only executes if there were changes to the ini.
gvMod := gvModNew
FileDelete, glovar.ahk ; Start with a clean slate
FileAppend, %glovarstart%, glovar.ahk ; makes sure we only have one instance of the script running at a time
RESection := "" ; Make sure that its clear
file := FileOpen(glovarini, "r")
Loop ; Read one line at a time
gvMod := gvModNew
FileDelete, glovar.ahk ; Start with a clean slate
FileAppend, %glovarstart%, glovar.ahk ; makes sure we only have one instance of the script running at a time
Line := file.ReadLine()
RegExMatch(Line, "(?<=\[).*(?=\])", RESection) ; explained above
RegExMatch(Line, "^(?<Key>.*)=(?<Value>.*)", RE) ; Key = REKey, Value = REValue
RESection := "" ; Make sure that its clear
file := FileOpen(glovarini, "r")
Loop ; Read one line at a time
If (RESection && InStr(StoredSection := RESection, "clear")) ; Found a clear section
Line := file.ReadLine()
RegExMatch(Line, "(?<=\[).*(?=\])", RESection) ; explained above
RegExMatch(Line, "^(?<Key>.*)=(?<Value>.*)", RE) ; Key = REKey, Value = REValue
If !(RESection) ; If the RegEx doesn't find antything, its empty
; Will clear the ini and save its and the documentation file's contents to a log
FileRead, doctemp, %docfile% ; Read documentation file, set in settings
FileRead, initemp, %glovarini% ; Read the ini
initemp := RegExReplace(initemp, "(?<=\[)clear(?=\])", "Info") ; Replace the "clear" section we set with Info
CurrTime := GetDateTime("en") ; get the current date and time as "YYYY-MM-DD at HH:MM GMT"
writethis := "Case on " . CurrTime . "`n" . doctemp . "`n`n" . initemp ; Save the current time, what was in the doc file, and glovarini to a variable
FileAppend, % "`n`n`n`n" writethis "`n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", %A_MyDocuments%/D3KLog.txt ; Write a few new lines , the content, and a line underneath
FileAppend,, temptemp
FileCopy, glovarsource, %glovarini%, 1 ; Copies and replaces any text in glovar.ini with the template
FileCopy, temptemp, %docfile%, 1 ; These two this close together makes it look like they get cleared at the same time
FileDelete, temptemp
fileread, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
FileDelete, glovar.ahk ; THE CLEAN SLATE
FileAppend, %glovarstart%, glovar.ahk
Sleep, 500
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
If FileExist("glovar.ahk")
If !(REValue) ; If there is no value for the key, skip it (Continue the loop at the next line)
If InStr(StoredSection, "Serial Numbers") ; If the section is "Serial Numbers", make everything uppercase
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes it uppercase
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini ; Just to make sure
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REValue)
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
If InStr(StoredSection, "Operations Center") ; If the section is "Operations Center" and the Key "un", make it uppercase
If InStr(REKey, "usr")
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes it uppercase
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REValue) ; Writes the properly formatted case number to glovar.ini
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
If InStr(REKey, "case") ; If a key contains "case". Case numbers are all in the format "LETTERS-NUMBERS".
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes it uppercase
RegExMatch(REValue, "(?<=\().*(?=\))", REMatch) ; Match everything but the parenthesis. When the case numbers are shown they have parenthesis, and those are annoying.
If (REMatch) ; If there's anything there
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REMatch) ; Writes the properly formatted case number to glovar.ini
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
REValue := REMatch
} Else {
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REValue) ; Writes the properly formatted case number to glovar.ini
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
If InStr(REKey, "xid") ; If an xID is entered. Unique identifier for people
dealinfo := GetInfo(REValue) ; Gets information, see function for details
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes xID uppercase
if !(REValue = dealinfo.xid)
run addemail.ahk
; Replace the data in glovar.ahk with the data from the ini
FileRead, tempglovar, glovar.ahk
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$xid::).*", dealinfo.xid)
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dem::).*",
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dnm::).*",
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dus::).*", dealinfo.user)
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dorg::).*",
FileAppend, %tempglovar%, tempglovar
FileCopy, tempglovar, glovar.ahk,1
FileDelete, tempglovar
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, "xID", dealinfo.xid) ; Writes the xID
ini_write(glovarini, "dem", ; Writes email address (incredibly useful)
ini_write(glovarini, "dnm", ; Writes Name (useful for when referring to that person)
ini_write(glovarini, "dus", dealinfo.user) ; Writes demo account name (somewhat useful)
ini_write(glovarini, "dorg",
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
If (InStr(REKey, "dem") or InStr(REKey, "dnm") or InStr(REKey, "dus"))
; Do not process xID related info, that is done above
writethis := ":*:$" REKey "::" REValue "`n" ; Save the hotstring to a variable
FileAppend, %writethis%, glovar.ahk ; Write the variable to glovar.ahk
Run glovar.ahk
If (RESection) ; If we have a section
StoredSection := RESection
If InStr(RESection, "clear") ; Will clear the ini and save its and the documentation file's contents to a log
FileRead, doctemp, %docfile% ; Read documentation file, set in settings
FileRead, initemp, %glovarini% ; Read the ini
initemp := RegExReplace(initemp, "(?<=\[)clear(?=\])", "Info") ; Replace the "clear" section we set with Info
CurrTime := GetDateTime("en") ; get the current date and time as "YYYY-MM-DD at HH:MM GMT"
writethis := "Case on " . CurrTime . "`n" . doctemp . "`n`n" . initemp ; Save the current time, what was in the doc file, and glovarini to a variable
FileAppend, % "`n`n`n`n" writethis "`n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", %A_MyDocuments%/D3KLog.txt ; Write a few new lines , the content, and a line underneath
FileAppend,, temptemp
FileCopy, glovarsource, %glovarini%, 1 ; Copies and replaces any text in glovar.ini with the template
FileCopy, temptemp, %docfile%, 1 ; These two this close together makes it look like they get cleared at the same time
FileDelete, temptemp
fileread, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
FileDelete, glovar.ahk ; THE CLEAN SLATE
FileAppend, %glovarstart%, glovar.ahk
Sleep, 500
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
If FileExist("glovar.ahk")
Run glovar.ahk
} Until (file.AtEOF)
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
If FileExist("glovar.ahk")
Run glovar.ahk
} else if (RESection) { ; found a different section
StoredSection := RESection
If !(RESection) ; If the RegEx doesn't find antything, its empty
If !(REValue) ; If there is no value for the key, skip it (Continue the loop at the next line)
If InStr(StoredSection, "Serial Numbers") ; If the section is "Serial Numbers", make everything uppercase
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes it uppercase
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini ; Just to make sure
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REValue)
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
MsgBox, test
If InStr(StoredSection, "Operations Center") ; If the section is "Operations Center" and the Key "un", make it uppercase
If InStr(REKey, "usr")
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes it uppercase
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REValue) ; Writes the properly formatted case number to glovar.ini
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
If InStr(REKey, "case") ; If a key contains "case". Case numbers are all in the format "LETTERS-NUMBERS".
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes it uppercase
RegExMatch(REValue, "(?<=\().*(?=\))", REMatch) ; Match everything but the parenthesis. When the case numbers are shown they have parenthesis, and those are annoying.
If (REMatch) ; If there's anything there
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REMatch) ; Writes the properly formatted case number to glovar.ini
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
REValue := REMatch
} Else {
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, REKey, REValue) ; Writes the properly formatted case number to glovar.ini
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini%
If InStr(REKey, "xid") ; If an xID is entered. Unique identifier for people
dealinfo := GetInfo(REValue) ; Gets information, see function for details
StringUpper, REValue, REValue ; Makes xID uppercase
if !(REValue = dealinfo.xid)
run addemail.ahk
; Replace the data in glovar.ahk with the data from the ini
FileRead, tempglovar, glovar.ahk
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$xid::).*", dealinfo.xid)
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dem::).*",
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dnm::).*",
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dus::).*", dealinfo.user)
tempglovar := RegExReplace(tempglovar, "(?<=\$dorg::).*",
FileAppend, %tempglovar%, tempglovar
FileCopy, tempglovar, glovar.ahk,1
FileDelete, tempglovar
WinWaitNotActive, GloVar.ini
ini_write(glovarini, "xID", dealinfo.xid) ; Writes the xID
ini_write(glovarini, "dem", ; Writes email address (incredibly useful)
ini_write(glovarini, "dnm", ; Writes Name (useful for when referring to that person)
ini_write(glovarini, "dus", dealinfo.user) ; Writes demo account name (somewhat useful)
ini_write(glovarini, "dorg",
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
If (InStr(REKey, "dem") or InStr(REKey, "dnm") or InStr(REKey, "dus"))
; Do not process xID related info, that is done above
writethis := ":*:$" REKey "::" REValue "`n" ; Save the hotstring to a variable
FileAppend, %writethis%, glovar.ahk ; Write the variable to glovar.ahk
} Until (file.AtEOF)
FileGetTime, gvMod, %glovarini% ; Make sure that this script knows what the ini was changed to so it doesn't constantly run through the above code
If FileExist("glovar.ahk")
Run glovar.ahk
@ -218,6 +202,9 @@ If (glovar = 1)
!+\::Run Settings.ahk ; Alt+Shift+\
Run, msmv.ahk
; DTAC Solution Opener
@ -421,47 +408,28 @@ SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; Regular
Send Hello,{Enter 2} {Shift down}{Enter}{Shift up}Please contact us if you have any questions.{Up}{End}
Send Hello,{Enter 2}{Space 3}
; DTAC Problem
Send Hello,{Enter 2} As this is a hardware/compatibility related inquiry, we here at the GSC cannot assist you properly. Please contact DTAC and they will be able to assist you further.
; 2 Year old COMAR
Send Hello,{Enter 2} You are unable to activate this product as the COMAR is over 2 years old. There is a form in the Dealer Corner that you can fill out to have it replaced as long as it falls within the criteria outlined in solution 108357.{Enter}Please contact your TCSM if you have any questions about this process.
; Cases
Send Hello,{Enter 2} {Enter}{Home down}{Shift up}{Home up}Please contact us if you have any questions.{Enter 2}Thank you,{Enter}David{Up 4}{End}
Send Hello,{Enter 2}{Space 3}{Enter}{Home down}{Shift up}{Home up}{Enter}Thank you,{Enter}%name%{Up 3}{End}
; German
#If, ger = "1"
; Regular
Send Hallo,{Enter 2} {Shift down}{Enter}{Shift up}Für Rückfragen stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung.{Up}{End}
Send Hallo,{Enter 2}{Space 3}
; DTAC Problem
Send Hallo,{Enter 2} Da dies eine Hardware/Kompatibilität-bezogene Anfrage ist, können wir hier im GSC leider ihre Frage nicht sehr gut beantworten. Bitte wenden Sie sich an DTAC, dort können Sie bessere unterstützung für diesen typ von fragen bekommen.
; 2 Year old COMAR
Send Hallo,{Enter 2} Sie können dieses Produkt nicht aktivieren weil die COMAR-Nummer über 2 Yahre alt ist. Es gibt in Vertriebspartnerinformation ein Formular das Sie ausfüllen können, und Ihre Aktivierungen werden ersetzt so lange es innerhalb der Regeln in DTAC Lösung 108357 ist.{Enter}Bitte melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Technischen Bezirksleiter wenn Sie Fragen über diesen Prozess haben.
; CCMS case
; Case
Send Hallo,{Enter 2} {Enter}{Home down}{Shift up}{Home up}Für Rückfragen stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung.{Enter 2}Mit freundlichen Grüßen,{Enter}David{Up 4}{End}
Send Hallo,{Enter 2}{Space 3}{Enter}{Home down}{Shift down}{Home up}{Shift up}{Enter}Mit freundlichen Grüßen,{Enter}%name%{Up 3}{End}
@ -512,105 +480,107 @@ SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; English
:*:]jdlw::JDLink Web
:*:]jdld::JDLink Dashboard
:*:]jdl2::JDLink Dashboard 2.0
:*:]jdlc::JDLink Connect
:*:]jdla::JDLink Access
:*:]jdls::JDLink Subscription
:*:]opsc::Operations Center
:*:]seccon::Section Control
:*:]fc::Field Connect
:*:]ss::Stellar Support
:*:]tman::Technical Manual
:*:]operm::Operator's Manual
:*:]hl3::HarvestLab 3000
:*:]hlo::Original HarvestLab
:*:]bin::Virtual Inventory
:*:]warrep::Warranty Reports
:*:]tcsm::Territory Customer Support Manager
:*:]macrep::Machine Reports
:*:]jdsm::John Deere Software Manager
:*:]jddm::John Deere Data Manager
:*:]serva::Service Advisor
:*:]muc::Master Unlock Code
:*:]deg::{ASC 248}
:*:]eq::{ASC 247}
:*:]fc::Field Connect
:*:]hl3::HarvestLab 3000
:*:]hlo::Original HarvestLab
:*:]jddm::John Deere Data Manager
:*:]jdl2::JDLink Dashboard 2.0
:*:]jdla::JDLink Access
:*:]jdlc::JDLink Connect
:*:]jdld::JDLink Dashboard
:*:]jdls::JDLink Subscription
:*:]jdlw::JDLink Web
:*:]jdsm::John Deere Software Manager
:*:]macrep::Machine Reports
:*:]muc::Master Unlock Code
:*:]oman::Operator's Manual
:*:]opsc::Operations Center
:*:]seccon::Section Control
:*:]serva::Service Advisor
:*:]ss::Stellar Support
:*:]tcsm::Territory Customer Support Manager
:*:]tman::Technical Manual
:*:]warrep::Warranty Reports
::itec::iTEC Pro
::itec::iTEC Pro
; German
#If, ger = "1"
:*:[jdlw::JDLink Web
:*:[jdld::JDLink Dashboard
:*:[jdl2::JDLink Dashboard 2.0
:*:[jdlc::JDLink Connect
:*:[jdla::JDLink Access
:*:[jdls::JDLink Abonnement
:*:[fc::Field Connect
:*:[ss::Stellar Support
:*:[tman::Technische Betriebsanleitung
:*:[hl3::HarvestLab 3000
:*:[hlo::Originales HarvestLab
:*:[bin::Virtuellen Bestand
:*:[warrep::Warranty Reports
:*:[tcsm::Technischer Bezirksleiter
:*:[macrep::Machine Reports
:*:[jdsm::John Deere Software Manager
:*:[jddm::John Deere Data Manager
:*:[serva::Service Advisor
:*:[muc::Master Unlock Code
:*:[deg::{ASC 248}
:*:[eq::{ASC 247}
:*:[fc::Field Connect
:*:[hl3::HarvestLab 3000
:*:[hlo::Originales HarvestLab
:*:[jddm::John Deere Data Manager
:*:[jdl2::JDLink Dashboard 2.0
:*:[jdla::JDLink Access
:*:[jdlc::JDLink Connect
:*:[jdld::JDLink Dashboard
:*:[jdls::JDLink Abonnement
:*:[jdlw::JDLink Web
:*:[jdsm::John Deere Software Manager
:*:[macrep::Machine Reports
:*:[muc::Master Unlock Code
:*:[serva::Service Advisor
:*:[ss::Stellar Support
:*:[tcsm::Technischer Bezirksleiter
:*:[tman::Technische Betriebsanleitung
:*:[warrep::Warranty Reports
@ -621,19 +591,19 @@ SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; QoL Improvements
Run, C:\Users\%racf%\Downloads ; Open the downloads folder on Win+J
#j:: ; Open the downloads folder on Win+J
Run, C:\Users\%racf%\Downloads
#w:: ; Open My Documents folder on Win+W
if WinActive("ahk_exe Explorer.EXE") ; If windows explorer is focused
Send !d ; Focus the address bar
Send C:\Users\%racf%\Documents\Work_Docs\Cases\2020-01 - 06 ; current folder, would love to use a var instead, but Run doesn't like it
Send C:\Users\%racf%\Documents
Send {Enter}
Run, C:\Users\%racf%\Documents\Work_Docs\Cases\2020-01 - 06 ; Open the documentation folder on Win+W
Run, C:\Users\%racf%\Documents

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
#SingleInstance force ; Only one instance at a time
SendMode, Input
FileEncoding, UTF-8 ; Makes sure the special characters don't break stuff
Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_MyDocuments%\D3K\icons\manual.ico
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y3 w78 h20 vNumber +Left,
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y43 w70 h20 Default vHidden, Ok
Gui, Add, Button, x81 y3 w17 h20 gHelp +Center, ?
Gui, Show, h28 w100, ManSol
GuiControl, Hide, Hidden
Gui, submit ; I have no idea what the regex means any more...
If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:alpha:]]+")
run, % "" . Number
Else If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:digit:]]+")
run, % "*/!STANDARD?pyActivity=SolutionsSnapStart&Action=showHarness&className=Deere-Int-Solr-Docs&Purpose=SolutionDescriptionNew&SolutionID=" . Number . "&Language=Default"
MsgBox, 262176, Maual & Solution opener, Input the TM/OM SKU (easily ofund on TechPubs) or the DTAC solution number to open it in your default browser.`nTMs & OMs open in Service Advisor.
#SingleInstance force ; Only one instance at a time
SendMode, Input
FileEncoding, UTF-8 ; Makes sure the special characters don't break stuff
Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_MyDocuments%\D3K\icons\manual.ico
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y3 w78 h20 vNumber +Left,
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y43 w70 h20 Default vHidden, Ok
Gui, Add, Button, x81 y3 w17 h20 gHelp +Center, ?
Gui, Show, h28 w100, ManSol
GuiControl, Hide, Hidden
Gui, submit ; I have no idea what the regex means any more...
If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:alpha:]]+")
run, % "" . Number
Else If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:digit:]]+")
run, % "" . Number
MsgBox, 262176, Maual & Solution opener, Input the TM/OM SKU (easily ofund on TechPubs) or the DTAC solution number to open it in your default browser.`nTMs & OMs open in Service Advisor.

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ This is the part that reads the file to see what your settings are. Variables in
; User Specific things:
racf := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "RACF")
email := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "Email")
name := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "Name")
docfile := ini_get(ini, "USpec", "DocFile")
; General Settings
@ -34,18 +35,22 @@ Gui, -MaximizeBox -MinimizeBox ; Remove the max+min buttons
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y2 w67 h37, RACF
Gui, Add, Edit, x12 y15 w60 h20 vformRACF gRACF, %RACF%
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x85 y2 w200 h37, First Name
Gui, Add, Edit, x89 y15 w193 h20 vformName gName, %Name%
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y40 w207 h37, Email Address
Gui, Add, Edit, x12 y53 w200 h20 vformEmail gEmail, %Email%
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x77 y2 w207 h37, Documentation File
Gui, Add, Text, x81 y19 w200 h20 gDocFile, %docfile%
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y83 w107 h130, Main
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x12 y95 w100 h30 vformMansol Checked%mansol% gMansol, ManSol
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x12 y125 w100 h30 vformMJDPaste Checked%mjdpaste% gMJDPaste, MJDPaste
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x12 y155 w100 h30 vformCaseFormatter Checked%caseformatter% gCaseFormatter, Case Formatter
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x25 y178 w75 h30 vformCFmail Checked%cfmail% gCFmail, Email option
GuiControl, show%caseformatter%, formCFmail ; only shows the check box for emails if the Case Formatter box is checked
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x8 y215 w277 h40 vformDocFile, Documentation File
Gui, Add, Text, x15 y231 w260 h20 vformDocFile2 gDocFile, %docfile%
GuiControl, show%caseformatter%, formDocFile ; only shows the documentation file field if the Case Formatter box is checked
GuiControl, show%caseformatter%, formDocFile2
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x128 y83 w157 h75, Text Replacement
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x132 y95 w150 h30 vformJdpn Checked%jdpn% gJdpn, JD Product Names
@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ Gui, Add, CheckBox, x132 y155 w100 h30 vformGer Checked%ger% gGer, DE ([ as pref
Gui, Add, Link, x132 y190 w150 h23 gHelp, <a href="">Click here for help</a> (v%d3k_version%)
Gui, Show, h225 w295, David 3000 Settings
Gui, Show, h263 w295, David 3000 Settings
@ -65,6 +70,7 @@ Default ini, sections are in []: (0 is off, 1 is on)
DocFile=Select File
@ -88,6 +94,11 @@ RACF:
ini_write(ini, "RACF", formRACF)
Gui, Submit, NoHide
ini_write(ini, "Name", formName)
Gui, Submit, NoHide
ini_write(ini, "Email", formEmail)
@ -117,6 +128,8 @@ Return
Gui, Submit, NoHide
GuiControl, show%formCaseFormatter%, formCFmail ; only shows the check box for emails if the Case Formatter box is checked
GuiControl, show%formCaseFormatter%, formDocFile
GuiControl, show%formCaseFormatter%, formDocFile2
GuiControl,, formCFmail, 0
ini_write(ini, "CaseFormatter", formCaseFormatter)
ini_write(ini, "CFmail", "0") ; if you're toggling this, its either on or off, doesn't hurt to set it here

msmv.ahk Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#SingleInstance, force
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
waittime := 180000
Switch A_Args[1]
Case "on":
Menu, Tray, NoIcon
Goto, Start
Case "off":
Menu, Tray, Add, Hide GUI, GuiToggle ; Adds a button to toggle the gui
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, GuiClose ; Exit button
Menu, Tray, NoStandard ; None of the standard tray buttons
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Button, x3 y3 w55 h20 gStart +Center, Start
Gui, Add, Button, x3 y3 w55 h20 gStop +Center, Stop
Gui, Show, h28 w60, msmv
GuiControl, Hide, Stop ; Since we want the Start button to show first
GuiControl, Hide, Start
SetTimer, Msmv, %waittime% ; Checks if the has been input in the last 2 minutes every 30 secs, easier to stop a loop with SetTimer
GuiControl, Show, Stop
GuiControl, Hide, Stop
SetTimer, Msmv, off
GuiControl, Show, Start
If (A_TimeIdle > waittime) ;
Random, x,, %A_ScreenWidth%
Random, y,, %A_ScreenHeight%
MouseMove %x%, %y%
If !nogui
Gui, Hide
Menu, Tray, Check, Hide GUI
nogui := True
Menu, Tray, uncheck, Hide GUI
nogui := False
Gui, Show
ExitApp ; Closes the app when escape or the exit button is pressed

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
#SingleInstance force
; The exe this is compiled into has manual.ico set as its icon.
static Number
static Hidden
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y3 w78 h20 vNumber +Left,
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y43 w70 h20 Default vHidden, Ok
Gui, Add, Button, x81 y3 w17 h20 gHelp +Center, ?
Gui, Show, h28 w100, ManSol
GuiControl, Hide, Hidden
Gui, submit ; I have no idea what the regex means any more...
If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:alpha:]]+")
run, % "" . Number
Else If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:digit:]]+")
run, % "*/!STANDARD?pyActivity=SolutionsSnapStart&Action=showHarness&className=Deere-Int-Solr-Docs&Purpose=SolutionDescriptionNew&SolutionID=" . Number . "&Language=Default"
Gui, Destroy
#SingleInstance force
Menu, Tray, Add, Open Manual/Solution, gui
; The exe this is compiled into has manual.ico set as its icon.
static Number
static Hidden
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
Gui, Add, Edit, x2 y3 w78 h20 vNumber +Left,
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y43 w70 h20 Default vHidden, Ok
Gui, Add, Button, x81 y3 w17 h20 gHelp +Center, ?
Gui, Show, h28 w100, ManSol
GuiControl, Hide, Hidden
Gui, submit ; I have no idea what the regex means any more...
If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:alpha:]]+")
run, % "" . Number
Else If RegExMatch(Number, "[[:digit:]]+")
run, % "" . Number
Gui, Destroy

standalones/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Standalone ManSol Opener
This is a standalone version, the help guide can be found [here](
## [Download the executable here](
I would recommend putting it in your startup folder (`%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup`) so that it starts automagically when you start your computer.