# YTM-Shuffler Shuffles a playlist because google can't seem to be bothered to do it --- # Usage 1. Clone this repo `git clone https://daviddaily.dev/david/YTM-Shuffler.git && cd YTM-Shuffler` 2. Run `pipenv install` 3. Follow the documentation from the [API docs](https://ytmusicapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup.html#manual-file-creation) to create the `config.json` 4. Run `pipenv shell` 5. Use `python shuffler.py ` followed by the name of the playlist you'd like to be shuffled, in quotes if its more than one word. 6. If you'd like to create an automagic backup, pass a second argument like `python shuffler.py "shuffle this" yes` Currently its limited to 1000 songs, but I feel like that's enough for most people.