#Persistent #SingleInstance, force SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ;************************************************* version = 1 ; Change this to suit you. ;************************************************* readini() ; load values from the ini file, via the readini function - see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file gosub, MidiPortRefresh ; used to refresh the input and output port lists - see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file port_test(numports,numports2) ; test the ports - check for valid ports? - see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file gosub, midiin_go ; opens the midi input port listening routine see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file gosub, midiout ; opens the midi out port see Midi_under_the_hood.ahk file ;gosub, midiMon ; see below - a monitor gui - see Midi_In_and_GuiMonitor.ahk ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end edit here ;************************************************* ;* VARIBLES TO SET @ STARTUP ;************************************************* ;cc_msg = 73,74 ; ++++++++++++++++ you might want to add other vars that load in auto execute section return ; !!!! no edit here, need this line to end the auto exec section. ;************************************************* ;* END OF AUTOEXEC SECTION ;************************************************* ;************************************************* ;* INCLUDE FILES - ;* these files need to be in the same folder ;************************************************* ; include files below - you need each of these files in the same folder as this file for this to work. /* #Include Midi_In_and_GuiMonitor.ahk ; this file contains: the function to parse midi message into parts we can work with and a midi monitor. #Include MidiRulesEdit.ahk ; this file contains: Rules for manipulating midi input then sending modified midi output. #Include Midi_under_the_hood.ahk ; this file contains: (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE) all the dialogs to set up midi ports and midi message handling.